Setting People Free

In the 1980’s, as a Pastor of a church in Bedford, England, I found that a substantial amount of my ministry involved seeking to set Christians free from captivity that had held them for many years. Whether it be from past sin in a person’s life which still influence their thought patterns and emotions or emotional pain and hurts from sin committed against them, or even a lack of understanding about who they are in Christ and their acceptance through God’s grace. As I found myself ministering to many people in such circumstances, I soon realised that it was essential to train others in our church to undertake this sort of ministry, and Setting People Free was born. The course is designed for all Christians who want to help others by bringing them to freedom, giving pastoral care and helping them in a life of discipleship.

As I’m sure you are aware the need in people’s lives to be set free still remains, however, Setting People Free has gone out of print. Recently, we have had a number of requests for Setting People Free, also sometimes known as the Caring and Healing Course, and so I am delighted to say that we have now revised the book and are offer Setting People Free as a PDF, for free.

So whether you are intending on studying it for personal use, or running a Setting People Free course you will find both the book as well as the course work book here.

Main Material

Here is the full version of Setting People Free, which can be used to run or a course, or just equip for Pastoral work.


Here is a condensed version of Setting People Free that can be used as handouts for courses.

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